Friday, August 5, 2011


I initially paired the Torium with the Shimano Vengeance rod, but now use it mainly on a Shimano Beastmaster BX 2030 rod which carries a modest RRP of £98. This is a good blank that suffers from some rather over-the-top superficial styling.
I qualify this following several comments from normally eager testers who took one look at the Beastmaster and declared it a ‘whopper-stopper’. The rod is essentially styled with a big game rod look but this is not fully reflected in its actual fishing characteristic.

The exaggerated size of the EVA fore-grip is comfortable enough, but combined with the heavily braced guides there’s a strong impression the rod will be stiff and unforgiving. The fact that the blank is only 6ft 6ins long - short by today’s general standards – serves only to compound the rather rigid first impression. This is unfortunate because despite being challenged in terms of length and styling the Beastmaster BX is not overly stern in action. The BX is suitable for downtide cod fishing in strongly tidal areas such as off the Isle of Wight, and it comfortably would handle any accidental blonde ray or conger eel. For more information on the Beastmaster rod along with the Torium reel visit
