Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Rig a Fishing Rod

Step 1

Attach the reel to your fishing pole. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 2

Put a line on the reel (see "How to Put a New Line on a Fishing Rod").

Step 3

Decide what type of bait or lures would be good for the type of fish you're after. Ask bait shop owners for their input.

Step 4

Attach clamp sinkers to the line. A good placement point is about 1 foot above the bait.

Step 5

Use a swivel if you're using snelled hooks, which are hooks with about 8 inches of line with a loop ready to attach to the swivel.

Step 6

Tie single hooks directly onto the line.

Step 7

Tie on lures and jigs if you're not using a swivel.

Step 8

Attach a bobber or floater, if needed, depending on the depth you wish to fish.
